Sunday, February 8, 2009

Top 10 Commercial Pitches

A fool and his money are soon parted. As a fairly wise cheapskate, me and my presidents have traveled pretty tight. But every once in a while, I let myself watch commercials. And every once in a while...there are temptations: both because I appreciate a good pitch and do like the idea of slapping my troubles away.

The top 10 tempting commercials I've remembered or seen or heard recently.

(1) Gold for Cash? I do find gold gaudy and cash compelling. Especially when I'm being shouted at and hammer-pants are involved.

(2) ShamWOW! You'll be saying...Wow. Such rapid fire awesome.

(3) I want candy! This one is most likely to come to mind whenever I hear people counting.

(4) This is another one that is subtle. Sometimes when my housemate is gassy, I feel the urge to break out some lozenges.

(5) HULU! I watch ridiculous amounts of Hulu programming and have only seen slowdowns ever since they began advertising on TV. Sad, but I understand their need to be useful to more people than just me.

(6) Sobe Lean! I used to drink an assortment of Sobe products. I found a mixtape of recorded radio that also had this commercial on it the other day. It tasted awful, and didn't go well with hamburgers at all, really.

(7) I actually missed the Superbowl and its commercials this year, but I appreciated the CareerBuilder efforts after the fact.

(8) I find talking babies ever so slightly disturbing...I don't know if they make me more or less likely to trade electronically.

(9) You're gonna love my nuts! Back from number 2, a second offering from Vince Offer: the Slap Chop!

(10) Favorite Spanish Commecial: SPANISH SHAMWOW! Cuidado con imitaciones!

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